Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Can Use Power Tools!

When we sell elfa closet solutions at The Container Store, where I work, we design them to the specifications of the customer. This means that every customer's closet or pantry or desk solution is different and that's what is so freaking cool about it. Not only do they get a space designed exactly for them that no one else has but, they can change it later on because of the versatility of the product! Okay, enough of my elfa rant(for those of you that don't live close to a Container Store you must check them out online and check out their elfa closet section!).

Anyway, because we design to meet the customer's specifications we have to cut certain metal shelves or posts. That means using a heavy duty saw or bolt cutters. And you have tobe trained in order to do that so you don't cut your fingers off.

Guess who can cut through metal things??

That's right, yours truly! Back in December I was trained to use the heavy duty tools. It's pretty sweet to get back there and just saw through a piece of metal. Today, I got to cut several different things for a closet solution and I have to say that it was very satisfying!


  1. Oooh, now I have to check it out because I haven't heard of that before! And Woot Woot!!! Kudos to you for learning to use the big power tools!!! It really does sound very cool!!

  2. I love power tools too! But I've never cut metal. Sounds fun :) It must be great to work at the Container store. Everytime I go in there I come away with more ideas to organize.
